Which measures? After comprehensively searching the neuropsychological literature, we determined which measures we deemed important to include normative data for the database. We sought out the most commonly neuropsychological measures currently used in both clinical and research settings. We made an effort to focus on cross-cultural neuropsychological measures utilized in the neuropsychological literature, due to the scarcity of these neuropsychological studies. Normative data provided by NeuroPsychNorms are collected from peer-reviewed studies.
Which variables? After comprehensively looking at each measure we selected, we determined which raw data is commonly scored throughout the literature. For example, the Trail Making Test commonly utilizes scores for Trial A and B while some studies provide B-A, or B+A, B-A/B and errors. We did not include those specific measures in the database.
Means and standard deviations? In order for the scoring program to function, the studies must provide means and standard deviations of the measure’s variables. As a consequence, we excluded from our database studies which do not include both a Mean and Standard Deviation of a variable.
Stratification of Data? If the normative data was not stratified (based on demographics, such as age, education, and gender identity), which is common for control studies comparing an experimental group, an age range was at minimum required to be included in the database. While age was required, we find that education to be important but not required. We included those studies even if they did not report any information on education. Some studies gave also information such as a ratio of males to females but did not actually separate their data based on this gender identity demographic. Stratified data includes gender identity stratification only if the study actually provided separate scores based on gender.Number of Demographic Stratifications is determined by the number of Stratification types that the study separates their data based on demographic information. The most common types are age, gender identity, and education. For example, if the data of a study is separated by these three demographic information, the study will have a higher rank than a 2-tier stratification. The program has the capacity to rank based on the number of stratifications by selecting the Demographics button next to the Enter button.
Presentation of scored data? Scored data are presented by providing a z-score and percentiles only, at this time.
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