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Measures and Studies

Measures become available and updated frequently. We welcome new measures and studies from our subscribers to be added to our database for the use of all subscribers. At this time, these are our available measures (some measures become unavailable when we add new studies).

  1. 5_Digit_Stroop: Five-Digit Stroop Test
  2. 9HolePeg: Nine-Hole Peg
  3. ACE_R: Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination Revised
  4. ACT: Auditory Consonant Trigrams
  5. AMT: Australia Motor Test
  6. AQT: Alzheimer’s Quick Test
  7. AVLT: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
  8. BDAE_CIM: BDAE Complex Ideational Material
  9. BDI_II: Beck Depression Inventory_II
  10. BDI_PC: Beck Depression Inventory (Primary Care)
  11. BNE_Stroop: BNE Stroop
  12. BNT: Boston Naming Test
  13. BNT15: Boston Naming Test-15 item
  14. BVMT_R: Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised
  15. BVRT: Benton Visual Retention Test
  16. CAN: Cancellation Tests
  17. CCPT_II: Conners Continuous Performance Test-II
  18. CCT: Children’s Category Test
  19. CLOX: CLOX
  20. CT: Category Test
  21. CTT: Color Trails Test
  22. DFT: Design Fluency Test
  23. DigitSpan: Digit Span
  24. DigSym: Coding (Digit Symbol)
  25. Dot_Test: Dot Counting Test
  26. DYNA: Grip Strength Test
  27. EIWA: Escala de Inteligencia Wechsler para Adultos
  28. FAB: Frontal Assessment Battery
  29. FOME: Fuld Object-Memory Evaluation
  30. FT: Finger Tapping Test
  31. GPT: Grooved Pegboard Test
  32. HDS: HIV Dementia Scale
  33. HVLT: Hopkins Verbal Learning Test
  34. HVOT: Hooper Visual Organization Test
  35. IGT: Iowa Gambling Task
  36. JLO: Judgement of Line Orientation
  37. MDRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale
  38. MMSE: Mini-Mental Status Exam
  39. MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment
  40. NCSE: Cognistat
  41. NeSBHIS: Neuropsychological Screening Battery for Hispanics
  42. NEUROPSI_AM: NEUROPSI AtenciĆ³n y Memoria
  43. NIHToolboxCog: NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery
  44. OTT: Orals Trails Test
  45. PASAT: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test
  46. PerriAVLT: Perri Auditory Verbal Learning Test
  47. PROMIS_29: PROMIS-29
  48. RavensPMT: Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test
  49. RBANS: Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
  50. R_OCF: Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure
  51. SDMT: Symbol Digit Modality Test
  52. SemiCF: Semicomplex Figure
  53. SPM: Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices
  54. SPNP11LA: Spanish-Language NP Tests in Eleven Latin American Countries
  55. SPNP9LA_Peds: Spanish-Language NP Test in 9 Latin American Countries-Peds
  56. Stroop_C: Comalli Stroop
  57. Stroop_G: Golden Stroop
  58. Stroop_H: Hammes Stroop
  59. Stroop_K: Kaplan Stroop
  60. Stroop_V: Stroop Victoria
  61. TexMexAANS: TexMexAANS
  62. TMT: Trailmaking Test
  63. TPT: Tactual Performance Test
  64. VF: Verbal Fluency Test
  65. VFDT: Visual Form Discrimination Test
  66. VSVT: VSVT
  67. WAIS_IV_Mexico_: WAIS-IV (Mexico)
  68. WCST_128: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-128
  69. WCST_64: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-64 Card
  70. WCST_M: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-Modified Version
  72. WRMT_Words: Warrington Recognition Memory Test – Words