How it Works
From the list of over 70 Measures available, choose the one with you are working and enter your subjects values into the trials input form. The system scores your anonymous subject and shows you where their scores lie relative to research data published in common journals. All of our data is in the public domain. You may also simply search for common characteristics in demographics across all studies throughout all measures. The total number of studies is in the hundreds and growing frequently.
Scoring a measure
- Select a neuropsychological measure
- Provide the basic demographics (age, education and gender)
- Provide the applicable raw score
- Normative scores are instantly calculated
- Rank results by highest number of subjects in study, highest number of demographic similarities, or recent studies ordered by year
Searching available norms for specific populations
- Select the demographics (age, language, country of origin)
- Select the applicable neuropsychological measures
- Available studies will be provided, and can be sorted for easy and immediate use