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All available Measures

    1. 5_Digit_Stroop: Five-Digit Stroop Test
    2. 9HolePeg: Nine-Hole Peg
    3. ACT: Auditory Consonant Trigrams
    4. BAI: Beck Anxiety Inventory
    5. BDI_II: Beck Depression Inventory_II
    6. BDI_PC: Beck Depression Inventory (Primary Care)
    7. Bells: The Bells Test
    8. BNE_Stroop: BNE Stroop
    9. BNT: Boston Naming Test
    10. BNT15: Boston Naming Test-15 item
    11. BVRT: Benton Visual Retention Test
    12. CAN: Cancellation Tests
    13. CLOX: CLOX
    14. CT: Category Test
    15. CTT: Color Trails Test
    16. DFT: Design Fluency Test
    17. DigitSpan: Digit Span
    18. DigSym: Coding (Digit Symbol)
    19. Dot_Test: Dot Counting Test
    20. DYNA: Grip Strength Test
    21. EIWA: Escala de Inteligencia Wechsler para Adultos
    22. FTT: Finger Tapping Test
    23. GPT: Grooved Pegboard Test
    24. HVOT: Hooper Visual Organization Test
    25. JLO: Judgement of Line Orientation
    26. MMSE: Mini-Mental Status Exam
    27. MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment
    28. NCSE: Cognistat
    29. NeSBHIS: Neuropsychological Screening Battery for Hispanics
    30. NEUROPSI_AM: NEUROPSI AtenciĆ³n y Memoria
    31. NIHToolboxCog: NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery
    32. OTT: Orals Trails Test
    33. PASAT: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test
    34. PerriAVLT: Perri Auditory Verbal Learning Test
    35. RavensPMT: Raven's Progressive Matrices Test
    36. RAVLT: Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test
    37. RBANS: Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
    38. R_OCF: Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure
    39. SDMT: Symbol Digit Modality Test
    40. SemiCF: Semicomplex Figure
    41. SPM: Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices
    42. SPNP11LA: Spanish-Language NP Tests in Eleven Latin American Countries
    43. SPNP9LA_Peds: Spanish-Language NP Test in 9 Latin American Countries-Peds
    44. Stroop_C: Comalli Stroop
    45. Stroop_G: Golden Stroop
    46. Stroop_H: Hammes Stroop
    47. Stroop_K: Kaplan Stroop
    48. Stroop_V: Stroop Victoria
    49. TexMexAANS: TexMexAANS
    50. TMT: Trailmaking Test
    51. TPT: Tactual Performance Test
    52. VF: Verbal Fluency Test
    53. VFDT: Visual Form Discrimination Test
    54. WAIS_IV_Mexico_: WAIS-IV (Mexico)
    55. WCST_128: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-128
    56. WCST_64: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-64 Card
    57. WCST_M: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-Modified Version

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